Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to the course

    1. Introduction to readability

    2. Fonts

    3. Font size

    4. Which alignment?

    5. Aligning content

    6. Which line spacing?

    7. Line spacing

    8. What's wrong here?

    9. Final Quiz (1.1 Readability)

    1. Why contrast matters

    2. Using contrast

    3. Icon contrast

    4. Checking colour contrast

    5. Contrast appearance

    6. Using colour

    7. Alt text for text images?

    8. Images of text

    9. Final Quiz (1.2 Colour and contrast)

    1. Introduction to structure

    2. Why headings?

    3. Writing clear headings

    4. Heading Level 1?

    5. Heading hierarchies

    6. What heading level would you use?

    7. Styling headings

    8. Tables and lists

    9. Formatting practice

    10. The Navigation pane

    11. Final Quiz (2.1 Structure)

    1. Introduction to layout

    2. Spacing your pages

    3. Well-spaced paragraphs

    4. Spacing your paragraphs

    5. Indents

    6. Can we use columns?

    7. Columns

    8. What's wrong with this table?

    9. What's wrong with this table? (continued)

    10. Fixing the table

    11. Building accessible tables

    12. Optional table practice

    13. Alternative uses for tables?

    14. Layout tables

    15. Final Quiz (2.2 Layout)

    1. Introduction to clarity

    2. Plain language

    3. Plain language principles

    4. Proofing in Word

    5. Language proofing tools

    6. Setting the right language

    7. What’s wrong with this link?

    8. Writing links

    9. What about paper links?

    10. Rewrite this text

    11. Rewrite this text (answer)

    12. Headers and footers

    13. Watermarks

    14. Footnotes and endnotes

    15. Final Quiz (2.3 Clarity)

About this course

  • Free
  • 2-4 hours


Inclusive Learning @ Intopia Tess Hutley

With a background in media and education, Tess is now a passionate advocate for accessible content, inclusive practice, and Universal Design for Learning. They dream of a world where no one fears the Adobe Acrobat tag tree.

Start your accessibility journey.