Course curriculum

    1. We need digital accessibility

    2. What is digital accessibility?

    3. Mismatch

    4. Characteristics

    5. Who benefits?

    6. Practicing accessibility

    7. Intersectionality

    8. Why accessibility?

    9. What is assistive technology?

    10. Implementing accessibility

    11. Accessibility and usability

About this course

  • Free
  • Short course
  • 15-30 minutes


Inclusive Learning @ Intopia Tess Hutley

With a background in media and education, Tess is now a passionate advocate for accessible content, inclusive practice, and Universal Design for Learning. They dream of a world where no one fears the Adobe Acrobat tag tree.

Head of Inclusive Training @ Intopia Russ Weakley

Russ Weakley has worked in the design and development field for more than 20 years. Russ is a User Experience professional, user-focused web designer, front-end developer and trainer who is passionate about accessibility and inclusion.

Start your accessibility journey.